Dangerous Australian Animals

Dangerous Australian Animals
This handsome devil looks like a spider you might find in a joke shop. It's black and fairly glossy. There is a species of this called the Sydney Funnel Web because it is found in and around Sydney. They like to create little burrows and could be found anywhere from garages, garden rockeries, or near swimming pools (they like water)

The safest thing to do is to keep away from any spider you see in Australia. The reality is most of them are totally harmless. They may however be a bit bigger than what you are used to. The funnel web spider will rise up onto its back legs and show you his fangs if he is about to bite you. That's when you should run!

Even if the funnel web spider does bite you, there is a 1 in 4 chance that it will inject any venom. If there is venom in the bite, you are likely to feel pain instantly and you should get yourself to hospital for anti venom as soon as you can. You need to stop the venom from spreading around your body.